How To Change The Size Of An Image?

how to increase size of image

Today in this article we will learn How to change the size of an image directly. Generally, you can increase or decrease the size of the images by changing their dimensions. You can use free tools like LunaPic editor through which you can easily change the size of the image, according to your need. LunaPic editor is a free tool that can be used on windows or a mac device, you can also use your android or IOS phone to edit the pictures.

You can also use paint on the Windows device Preview option in Mac OS to change the size of an image. We will also suggest a few applications for IOS as well as Android users to successfully resize the image. First of all, we will see how to change the size of an image, using LunaPic.

But by using these methods, you will get a degraded or pixelated image. So, edit the images carefully.  The methods written below will help you to change the size of an image; no need to try all the methods, one of them will help you to complete your task successfully.


How To Change The Size Of An Image

LunaPic is a free online editor through which you can easily change the size of an image. Editing an image on LunaPic is a simple task to do. Follow the steps written below to change the size of an image.

  1. Open the Lunapic Website in your browser from here.
  2. Click on the upload button. The upload button is situated on the left side of the screen.
  3. You will see a choose file button, tap on it.
  4. Select the desired image you want to resize and click on the Open button
  5.  The image will appear in the LunaPic editor.
  6. In the file size section, you will see a Set File Size option, click on it.
  7. Set the file size according to your choice. You will also see the actual file size and according to it you can increase or decrease the size of an image.
  8. Press CTRL + S to download the resized image. Or you can also click on the Save button which will also download the image successfully.
  9. You can share the image directly on the social media sites like Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest by clicking the buttons on the bottom of the page.

This is how you can change the size of the image using the LunaPic website. It is easy to use and a free tool to edit your pictures. You can also add borders, effects, art or animation to the image easily by using LunaPic.


You can easily resize your image on a Windows computer by using the Paint application. Paint is a great inbuilt tool created by Windows to edit your images and art. To change the size of your image using paint, follow the steps written below.

  1. Open the paint application by pressing the Windows button and searching for it.
  2. Click on the file option on the top left corner of the window and tap on Open
  3. A “file browser “pop-up window will appear, select the file you need to resize.
  4.  After selecting the file click on the Open button.
  5. The image will get added on the Paint application
  6. Tap on the Resize button situated on the taskbar. You will see the Resize button inside the image section.
  7. Resize and Skew pop-up window will appear.
  8. Check the checkbox beside the Maintain aspect ratio option.
  9. Inside the Resize tab, click on the Pixels radio button.
  10. Set the size of the image by entering the pixel number in the Vertical and Horizontal field.
  11. Tap on the Ok button at the bottom.
  12. Press CTRL + S to save the image. You can also edit the file name while saving the edited image.

In this way you can change the size of an image using paint. While saving the image, paint will also give an option to save the image in GIF, BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF formats. Choose the appropriate format, according to your requirements.


Preview is the inbuilt tool which is used to change the size of an image in a Macintosh computer. You can change the size of an image easily by using Preview, no need to use online editors. Follow the steps written below to change the size of an image in a mac computer.

  1. Open the Finder, which is situated in the app dock at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Search and select the image you want to edit using finder.
  3. Open the image you selected to resize

To open the image in Preview

  1. Right-click on the image
  2. Click on File.
  3. Select Open with.
  4. Click
  5. The image will get opened in the Preview application.
  6. Click on tools option, which is situated in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
  7. Select Adjust Size.
  8. Set the width and height of the image according to your needs. You can also change the default unit of measurement, by default it is set to percent. You can change the unit from percent to pixels/inch or centimeter.
  9. Click on the Ok button in the bottom, the changes will be saved to the image automatically.
  10. Click on the file and press Save to save the resized image.
  11. By following the steps written above you can resize the image in a Mac easily. You can save the file in different formats like JPEG, JPEG-2000, OpenEXR, PNG, and TIFF.

This is how you can change the size of an image on the computers. Now, we will see how to change the size of an image using an IOS or an Android device.

Using Resize Image app for IOS

Resize Image is a free app on IOS, through which you can change the size of an image easily. To install the Resize app on your iPhone:

  1. Open App store and search for Resize image.
  2. The app is developed by Jason Pan.
  3. Search for it and install the app.
  4. After installation, follow the steps written below to change the size of an image.
  5. Open the app and tap on the Photos icon
  6. A pop-up will appear which will prompt you to take the image from the camera directly or open a photo library to choose the photo; that you have already stored.
  7. Select the image from the Photo library.
  8. After selection that photo will be added to the App.
  9. Tap on the image with slider bars at the bottom of the screen.
  10. By tapping on this icon you will have a Width and Height slider bar through which you can change the size of the image. Don’t forget to toggle on the Keep aspect ratio option
  11. Set the desired size and tap on the Resize button.
  12. After resizing click on the floppy disk option to save the image.
  13. Click on the Sunflower option, which will save your image in the Photo Library.

This is how you can change the size of an image on the IOS device. This app will work on the devices which are running on the IOS 8 and further.

Using Photo Resizer HD for android devices

This guide is for an Android user as this application is available only on play store. Using Photo resizer HD you can easily change the size of an image. To download the app on your android phone:

  1. Open play store and search for Photo Resizer HD.
  2. Tap on the app and click on Install.
  3. App will get installed in a few seconds depending on your internet speed.
  4. To resize the image using the Photo Resizer HD app follow the steps written below:
  5. Open the app and tap on the Gallery button.
  6. This will open your gallery and you can select the desired image from here.
  7. After selecting the image you will redirect in the app. Tap on the diagonal arrow icon.
  8. This will open a resize menu. Tap on the Custom button or you can also select the dimensions that are visible beneath the Custom button
  9.  If you select the custom option then type the desired dimension in the text field and check the Keep aspect ratio checkbox.
  10. Tap on ok and thus the image is resized.
  11. Tap on the floppy disk icon to save the image inside your gallery.

This is how you can change the size of an image using an android smartphone. Follow all the steps written to successfully resize the image.

This was our small guide on How to change the size of an image. You can change the size of an image on a windows or a mac computer and also you can use a mobile phone running Android or IOS operating systems.

Some FAQs on How to change the size of an image?

Q – Can I increase or decrease the size of an image without degrading the quality of your image?

Answer – No, you cannot increase or decrease the size of an image without degrading the quality of your image. When you try to resize the image, you will have to compromise the image quality.

Q- Which app I can use for android and IOS devices to change the size of an image and are they free to use?

Answer – You can use the Photo resizer app on android and for IOS you can use the Resize Image app. Both of them are free to use apps.

Q – Can I use LunaPic on smartphones?

Yes, you can use the LunaPic website on smartphones. But the smartphone website has fewer features as compared to the PC website.

Felipe is an author on Techlogitic and many other tech websites who like to share articles on errors/windows/mac.